Wednesday, May 28, 2014

If I Should Have a Daughter

If I should have a daughter…“Instead of “Mom”, she’s gonna call me “Point B.”
Because that way, she knows that no matter what happens, at least she can always find her way to me. And I’m going to paint the solar system on the back of her hands so that she has to learn the entire universe before she can say “Oh, I know that like the back of my hand.”

She’s gonna learn that this life will hit you, hard, in the face, wait for you to get back up so it can kick you in the stomach.
But getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air. There is hurt, here, that cannot be fixed by band-aids or poetry, so the first time she realizes that Wonder-woman isn’t coming, I’ll make sure she knows she doesn’t have to wear the cape all by herself. Because no matter how wide you stretch your fingers, your hands will always be too small to catch all the pain you want to heal. Believe me, I’ve tried.

And Baby, I’ll tell her “Don’t keep your nose up in the air like that, I know that trick, you’re just smelling for smoke so you can follow the trail back to a burning house so you can find the boy who lost everything in the fire to see if you can save him.
Or else, find the boy who lit the fire in the first place to see if you can change him.”

But I know that she will anyway, so instead I’ll always keep an extra supply of chocolate and rain boats nearby, because there is no heartbreak that chocolate can’t fix. Okay, there’s a few heartbreaks chocolate can’t fix. But that’s what the rain boots are for, because rain will wash away everything if you let it.
I want her to see the world through the underside of a glass bottom boat, to look through a magnifying glass at the galaxies that exist on the pin point of a human mind. Because that’s how my mom taught me. That there’ll be days like this, “There’ll be days like this my momma said” when you open your hands to catch and wind up with only blisters and bruises.
When you step out of the phone booth and try to fly and the very people you wanna save are the ones standing on your cape. When your boots will fill with rain and you’ll be up to your knees in disappointment and those are the very days you have all the more reason to say “thank you,” ‘cause there is nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline no matter how many times it’s sent away.
You will put the “wind” in win some – lose some,
you will put the “star” in starting over and over,
and no matter how many land mines erupt in a minute be sure your mind lands on the beauty of this fury place called life.
And yes, on a scale from one to over-trusting I am pretty damn naive but I want her to know that this world is made out of sugar.
It can crumble so easily but don’t be afraid to stick your tongue out and taste it.

Baby, I’ll tell her “remember your mama is a worrier but your papa is a warrior and you are the girl with small hands and big eyes who never stops asking for more.”
Remember that good things come in threes and so do bad things and always apologize when you’ve done something wrong but don’t you ever apologize for the way your eyes refuse to stop shining.

Your voice is small but don’t ever stop singing and when they finally hand you heartbreak, slip hatred and war under your doorstep and hand you hand-outs on street corners of cynicism and defeat, you tell them,
 that they really ought to meet your mother.

-                   Sarah Kay “If I Should Have a Daughter” -


Terima kasih. Kita adalah keluarga tanpa perikatan darah. Tanpa kontrak dan tanpa janji apapun. Kita satu, karena kita mau.
Selesai lagi setahun yang penuh cerita dan pelajaran berharga. Sisa satu, yang terakhir. Aku masih ingat saat-saat ketika pertama kali aku mengisi namaku dan mengikuti wawancara pertama untuk masuk dalam KSMPMI. Aku ingat aku membicarakan tentang Rohingya dan tentang Suriah. Konflik berkepanjangan yang hingga kini pun masih ada. Aku ingat tatapan kagumku pada orang-orang yang ada di dalamnya. Para koordinator dan para kakak kelas. Betapa inginnya, melanjutkan jejak mereka.

Time flies, indeed. Dua tahun ini betul-betul dua tahun yang penuh dengan kesan. Dengan pelajaran baru dari orang-orang hebat. Aku banyak belajar dan menerima pengalaman dari orang-orang ini, yang begitu rendah hati dan kaya wawasan, namun mau berbagi ilmu dan berkembang bersama-sama kami. Selangkah demi selangkah kami tapaki bersama-sama. Hari Kamis untuk Socratime dan hari Rabu untuk diskusi internal. Hampir selalu di tempat yang sama. Pertukaran pikiran yang diselingi percakapan penuh canda. Selalu hangat, selalu menyenangkan. Setiap pertemuan rasanya seperti sedang berkumpul bersama saudara, dan bukan terasa seperti rapat.

Aku tidak lupa bagaimana KSMPMI sedikit banyak merubah cara pandangku terhadap berbagai hal. Something I don’t earn from classroom. Aku merasa seperti mahasiswa sungguhan, yang berdiskusi berjam-jam tentang hal yang sering dianggap remeh temeh oleh sebagian orang. Aku bisa memahami hal-hal yang dulunya aku hindari, topik tentang Timur Tengah misalnya. Hahaha. Being in this organization encourages me to always improving myself. Bahwa di atas langit mash ada langit, dan kita tak boleh sombong. Sama sekali tidak. Akan selalu ada seseorang yang datang dan membuktikan bahwa kita pun bisa salah, kita pun bisa kalah. It also teaches me to speak up my stance. Bahwa kita harus berani bicara. Harus berani punya prinsip dan tak sekedar dibawa kata kemana-mana. Bahwa kita berani stand up for something. Tapi di saat yang sama, kita juga tidak takut untuk dikritik dan ditantang dari perspektif yang berbeda.

Sungguh, aku sudah mendapatkan banyak sekali hal dari KSMPMI ini. Jauh lebih banyak dari apa yang aku dapatkan di ruang kelas. Dua tahun aku telah mendapat, kini setahun terakhir mungkin adalah saat yang tepat untuk memberi. Memberi kontribusi terakhir untuk KSMPMI, membalas dengan penuh apa yang telah diberikan. Saatnya untuk mengembalikan.

Memang tak ada awal yang tak ada akhir. Tak ada mulai yang tak ada selesai. Kini saatnya melanjutkan karya dari kakak-kakak, menjaga titipan yang mereka minta. Tamen non cesta. Perjuangan belum berakhir! :”)