Sunday, September 23, 2012

Nick Vujicic Quote

But I tell u there's sometimes in life
when u fall down
U feel like u dont have the strengh to get back up
do u think u have failed
because i tell u...
Im down here..face down

I will try one hundred times to get up
And if I fell 100 times..
If I fail and I give up..
Do u think that Im beginning to get up?

But if I fail,, i try again,,and again,, and again..
but i just want u to know that this is not the end
It matters how you're gonna finish
Are u gonna finish strong?
Are u gonna find the strength to get back up?

Here Comes the newbie!

Okay, this is really awkward..I really love writing yet I haven't had a thought to start blogging until about...2 minutes agoo :[ so Yappp, I'm a new here..tapi aku pingin bikin tulisan yang bisa aku bagikan ke orang banyakk :D

Banyak penulis yang aku kagumi, like Nicholas Sparks, Dewi Lestari, Stephen Covey, Dahlan Iskan, dll..they are really great with words..and this proccess I take is in order to be someone like them :) Isn't it so exciting when you find out that your words are inspiring someone? 
Sooo, about me...I just started my college life..dan itu adalah perubahan yang besar..but we need some BIG change that turns our world upside down sometimes, don't we?
Sebagai anak perantauan di Bandung, I really enjoy this city..If I had chosen Surabaya before, I would have been regret my own decision, I think :)
Bandung dingin,, dan penuh dengan orang yang ramah. It's like, when you lost, you're always able to ask can trust them hahaha..dan sebagai orang yang suka berjalan-jalan sendirian keliling kota, it really helps me a favor (y)

Bandung kota besar, disini aku ketemu dengan banyak orang dari Jakarta juga, they're both big city, so I kinda feel left behind compared to them :( tapi mereka punya lifestyle yang berbeda, cara bergaul yg berbeda, cara berkomunikasi yg berbeda, and when they make a joke about me, I can handle it :) karna dulu aku jg melakukan hal yg sama ke anak-anak luar pulau hahaha :D

College itself, I found that it's very interesting. The finest point of it, is that you'll never be able to count on anyone BUT YOURSELF. ya, masalah berhasil atau gak itu semua terserah sama keputusanmu. You make your own decision, you make your own priority, you make your own goal. Itu proses pendewasaan diri. Dan kalau suatu saat terjadi hal-hal buruk, misalnya kamu gagal, misalnya kamu salah jalan, don't blame it to the others. You have to take it responsibly for yourself. Mandiri. That's the key.

Kamu harus tahu apa yang bener-bener kamu mau. And if other people think it doesn't suit you, or you can't achieve it, well I suggest they don't really know you :)

Disitu kamu bisa belajar bahwa kehidupan yang sbenernya udah dimulai. Kamu punya tujuan yang sama dengan org lain. Does it mean you're gonna work together to reach it? Nope, you prepare yourself for a race. It's a damn big competition.
and you have to SURVIVE. Whatever happens, don't ever give up. Kamu harus mundur beberapa langkah sebelum kamu lompat lebih tinggi kan?kamu capek, kamu tertekan, kamu stress, tapi sebagaimanapun itu, you can't step back and giving're gotta get going..take a rest, but keep your feet on the track :) 

That's a college for me. I have about more less 4 years here. And I'll share my daily caleidoscop with you all. Can't wait! :)))